Nazih Beauty Blog

كل شيء عن العدسات اللاصقة من سوميتا!

 !عدسات سوميتا اللاصقة الملونة طريقك إلى التألق والجمال  تم تصميم عدسات سوميتا اللاصقة بخبرة لتناسب محيط عينيك الطبيعي، وهي متوفرة في 12 لون طبيعي لامع ، والذي يحول حتي العيون ذات اللون الداكن إلي لون طبيعي لامع ومشرق...


We’re quite close to Beautyworld Middle East 2019 Exhibition happening in Dubai world trade centre  and we’re super excited to participate this year at the largest international beauty products fair that invites many brand ambassadors in hair care, fragrances, Nails,...

Mother’s Day Gift Guide From NAZIH COSMETICS!

MOMS are Wonderful, aren’t they? Who else loves you from heart? without looking for a return, cook you delicious Favorite food, pick you up every time you fall?, be a constant shoulder to cry on and still worry...

NEW Onetech Hot oil Heating Gel cap for Hair Treatment!

One of the beauty essentials that ladies are crazy about is their hair care. All women spend time under and money sitting under a hair steamer at the salon. This was a very old trend started in the sixties...